My role
Animal cruelty is a real issue in India that takes millions of victims every year.
Animals are abused everyday for unreasonable motives, these animals deserve our
empathy and respect but get shunned and abused this is one of the reasons why
animal can react aggressively towards humans yet people blame them and label them
as dangerous. People should be aware of the daily struggles some animals go through
and give their best to help them. We hope to encourage people and organizations by
taking one simple step by feeding and making access to food for street animals more
easy through this documentary. Building a world where animals of all kinds are coexisting
without any hostility towards the other starting with a hand full of love and food.
A simple step to a kind and united world.
Group Project
Direction, shooting the clips, editing, script writing
3 weeks
Brain Storming
Final Doccumentary
Some snipits from the shoot